The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community in 2012 to explore the aforementioned physics program. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel of approximately 100 km in circumference, is a double-ring collider with electron and positron beams circulated in opposite directions in separate beam pipes, and the detectors are installed at two interaction points (IPs). The CEPC will operate in three different modes: H (e+e- -->ZH), Z (e+e- -->Z) and W (e+e- -->W+W-). The center-of-mass energies are 240 GeV, 91 GeV and 160 GeV, and the luminosities are 5 ×1034, 116 ×1034 and 16 ×1034 cm-2s-1, respectively. The primary physics goal is to use the CEPC as a Higgs factory. Therefore, a tentative “10-2-1” operation plan is to run first as a Higgs factory for 10 years and create about 2.6 million Higgs particles, followed by 2 years of operation as a Super Z factory to create about 2.5 trillion Z bosons and then 1 year as a W factory to create about 130 million W bosons. The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and τ-leptons produced in the decays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and τ-charm factory. The CEPC offers an unmatched opportunity for precision measurements and searches for BSM physics.
The CEPC collider will be an advanced factory of the Higgs, Z, W bosons and the top quark, as well QCD events and many interesting hadrons. It will be used by scientists to discover new physics and unknowns.

Preliminary machine parameters for the electron
positron collider have been calculated and listed in the table below:

The concept of a timeline and progress with the CEPC project consists of the following:
- The first stage is to complete a Preliminary Conceptual Design Report (PreCDR) in 2015 and a Conceptual Design Report (CDR) in 2018. With the publication of this report, these goals have been achieved.
- The next stage is from 2018 to 2023 for R&D and for completion of a Technical Design Report (TDR), these goals have been achieved.
- The next stage is from 2024 to 2027 for Engineering Design Report (EDR).
- Construction will start in 2027 in the government’s 15th Five-Year Plan and continue in the 16th Five-Year Plan.Construction will be completed by 2035.
- Commissioning and experiments can begin as early as 2035 when the 17th Five-Year Plan starts. The experiments will continue for about 14 years until 2049, with 1 year for commissioning and 13 years for Higgs, Z and W data taking.
- The next stage is from 2049 to 2055 for top upgrade, with 1 year for upgrade and 5 years for data taking.
- After 2056, the superconducting magnets for the SPPC project are expected to be ready for installation, and the SPPC era will begin.

CEPC is conducting country wide site visits and study. Local government agencies are very receptive and supportive to CEPC. CDR study is based on site 1 (Qing Huang Dao). The site selection is still in processing, and CEPC team keep looking for more site candidates in China.
