The CEPC physics detector workshop was held at Peking University (2019-07-12)
On July 5, solstice, the CEPC physics detector workshop was held at Peking University. The topic of this workshop is to promote the CEPC physics potential analysis, research on detector physics requirements and optimization, and the editing of physics white paper. 93 experts from Peking University, IHEP (CAS), Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia, Tel Aviv University in Isreal, France linear collider laboratory and other institutions attended the meeting.
Prof. Yuanning Gao gave the welcome speech on behalf of Peking University. Prof. Liantao Wang and Prof. Manqi Ruan reported on the development and progress of CEPC. Prof. Haibo Li, Prof. Yaquan Fang, Prof. Zhijun Liang of IHEP and Prof. Huaxing Zhu, professor of Zhejiang University, respectively presented reports on CEPC flavor physics, Higgs physics, electroweak physics and quantum chromodynamics research and cooperative organizations. Representatives from different institutes reported on the application of the CEPC in various research areas. Participants discussed the upcoming work plan.
