The second high energy circular electron positron collider (EU) workshop was held at the university of Oxford (2019-04-20)
The second high energy circular electron-positron collider (EU) workshop was held at the university of Oxford on April 15th. This is the second time that the CEPC team held a workshop abroad. The conference is hosted by the university of Oxford and co-organized by IHEP.
A total of more than 150 people attended the workshop, including about 100 people from European and US research institutions and universities, a significant increase from the first workshop held in Rome, Italy. The conference also invited representatives of similar European research teams, including the future circular collider (FCC), the international linear collider (ILC) and the compact linear collider (CLIC). Participants reported and discussed the accelerators, detectors, software and other key technical issues of the high energy electron positron collider, as well as the way to promote the cooperation of the project. Foreign scientists highly appraise the progress and achievements of CEPC design and key technology research.
The workshop organized more than 130 reports with four parallel sessions, giving a comprehensive report on the status of CEPC pre-research from the aspects of physics, accelerators, detectors and software technologies. At the end of the meeting, professor Nima Arkani-Hamed from Princeton university, director of the center for advanced research in high energy physics at IHEP, gave an insightful and passionate summary.
This workshop is an important meeting of the CEPC project. It expressed the confidence and determination of Chinese scientists to launch the construction of the new generation collider, and will continue to strengthen cooperation with related international projects through this meetings. CEPC will further strengthen its cooperation with similar international projects and strive to attract more international counterparts and research institutions to join in the high-quality research on high-energy particle physics.
