CEPC Detector and Physics CDR International Review (2018-09-25)
On Sept. 13-15th, the CEPC Detector and Physics CDR international review was held in IHEP. The review committee consists of 11 experts from Japan, France, Russia, USA, Netherlands, Italy, UK, German, China and Denmark. The review committee members are famous experts of detector, physics analysis and theory physics. Marcel Vos, a professor of IFIC-Valencia, served as the chair of the review committee.
The Deputy Director of IHEP and the Deputy Manager of the CEPC project, Qing Qin, representing IHEP and CEPC Study Group, welcomed the reviewers, and was involved in the discussion between the reviewers and the CEPC CDR Group. The CEPC Project Manager Prof. Xinchou Lou also attended the meeting.
The Convener of the CEPC physics and detector group, Joao Guimaraes da Costa, started the review with an overview report of the CEPC physics and detector. The review meeting had more than 20 reports, focusing on the sub-systems of CEPC tracking system, calorimeter system, magnet, muon system, DAQ, MDI, and also covered the CEPC physics case, physics analysis and detector performance simulation. There were also several discussions between the review committee and the CEPC group members.
During the three-days meeting, the reviewers undertook an intense and arduous work, and delivered the preliminary review comments and meeting summary. All the reviewers agreed that the CEPC design work has achieved remarkable progress, and congratulated the completion of CDR. The review committee evaluated the work of each subsystem in detail, and pointed out the problems and improvement direction, which is a valuable reference for future design optimization. The final comments will be announced soon.
The CEPC Physics and detector group will optimize and finish the final CDR according to the final review summary report. The international review marks a new stage in the CEPC design.
