CEPC Spring Seminar (2017-04-28)

The 2017 Spring Seminar of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) Project was held at Central China Normal University (CCNU) from April 19th to 21st. This was also the 12th CEPC study group meeting. About 180 researchers from particle physics laboratories and universities worldwide participated in this meeting.
Prof. Wang Enke, deputy director of CCNU, welcomed all the participants. The workshop focused on R & D for the accelerator and detectors, with over 100 plenary talks and 4 parallel sessions.
Dedicated discussion sessions on the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) were also held during the meeting. The CDR will be finalized by end of this year and will be another milestone for the CEPC project, following the release of the Preliminary Conceptual Design Report in 2015.
The CEPC is the future high-energy physics (HEP) project proposed by the Chinese high-energy community just after the Higgs discovery in 2012. The 2017 International Workshop on High Energy Circular Electron Positron Collider will be held in Beijing from November 6th to 8th: http://cepcws17.ihep.ac.cn/