The Phase-II CostInternational review of CEPC Accelerator Technical Design Report was successfully held (2023-10-26)
TFrom October 11 to 15, the International Cost Review of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) Accelerator Technical Design Report (TDR) (Phase-II) was held in Hong Kong, China. The conference focused on the cost of CEPC accelerator systems, sponsored by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, hosted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 8 experts from Switzerland, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and other 6 countries, formed a review committee. Professor Leonid RIVKIN, Senior Scientist at EPFL and Deputy Director of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, chaired the review. The committee members are the world's top experts and famous scholars in the field of accelerator physics and technology, and the cost of international large scientific facilities.
Academician Wang Yifang, Director of IHEP and Chair of the CEPC Steering Committee, delivered a welcoming speech, pointing out that on the basis of the CEPC team's conclusion on the design of the TDR accelerator and the completed International Technical Review (Phase-I), we look forward to the independent professional consideration and opinions of the review team on the cost estimation of the accelerator system. The meeting focused on the cost of CEPC accelerator systems.
Professor Lou Xinchou, CEPC Project Manager, first introduced the general situation of CEPC and the conclusion of the international review of Phase-I technology. Professor Li Yuhui, Deputy director and convener of CEPC Accelerator, gave a report on the cost estimation method and basis of CEPC accelerator. The conference focused on more than 20 cost estimation reports covering CEPC accelerator physical design, high frequency, power source, magnet, power supply, control, beam measurement, vacuum, mechanical, radiation protection, collimation, general operation and other systems. Professor John Osborne, Chairman of CEPC Civil Engineering International Cost Review Panel (Senior civil engineering expert in FCC research at CERN), was also connected for an internal report and communication meeting with the cost Review committee.
During the five-day meeting, members completed the intense and heavy work and preliminarily completed the evaluation comments. On the basis of the existing design of the accelerator, the committee believes that the cost basis of each system is sufficient and reasonable. At the same time, the review committee also made suggestions on the estimation work of each profession, and the final review opinions will be published in mid-October. The accelerator team will further optimize and improve the CEPC accelerator technical design report by combining the final review opinions of the international technical review and cost review. The holding of the review meeting will help the mass production and installation of each system prototype in the future, and make adequate preparation for the industrialization schedule.
Phase II CEPC Accelerator TDR Cost Review Committee Members:
- Riccardo Bartolini DESY
- Brian Foster - observer DESY, Oxford
- Philippe Lebrun CERN
- Benno List DESY
- Vittorio Parma CERN
- Lenny Rivkin - chair EPFL, PSI
- Tetsuo Shidara KEK
- Akira Yamamoto KEK, CERN